Our club and members receive several questions throughout the year. Here are a few of the many frequently asked questions and their answers.
What does it take to join your club?
Membership in Tehama Shooters Association only happens once a year after January 1st. The club has to complete a membership renewal process before considering new member additions.
A few tips that may help you include attending general membership meetings, have a sponsor who is an active member in good standing with Tehama Shooters Association and attend/or participate in one or more of of our scheduled events. These tips do not guarantee membership.
Can I get an application to mail in?
No. we do not provide applications in advance.
How do I contact someone on the Board of Directors?
Send an email to [email protected] Provide your contact information and if you are a member please provide your membership number in the body of your message. Members can always call a board member directly.
How do I report a problem at the range?
Call one of the board members to report any problems you may encounter during your visit. Or, you can send an email to [email protected]
Can the general public use the range?
No. The range is a private members only range. Members may bring guests to the range but only one guest may shoot at a time.
When is the range open?
The range is open to members Wednesday through Sunday and is closed Mondays and Tuesdays to all shooting or other activities.
What about the Event Schedule?
Work on the event schedule begins in September for the next shooting season. Final additions and corrections are completed before the December general membership meeting and then goes to the printers. Any changes to the published schedule will be posted on this website.
Tehama Shooters Association reserves the right to add or change the event schedule during the year that best suits the clubs needs and conditions. Adding events requires approval from the board in advance. Turn to the Events page to see a list of approved events or changes.
IMPORTANT – Individuals may not use the range in areas where competition events are scheduled until the event ends and the match/event director has released the firing line for general members use.